In a groundbreaking new paper, Global Director of The Shift, Leilani Farha, join forces with renowned economist Mariana Mazzucato, propelling the mission for housing rights forward like the iconic journey to the moon. Integrating human rights and sustainability principles with innovative economic thinking, they create a powerful synergy. Human rights provide the legal foundation and launchpad for the right to housing and government accountability, while the mission-oriented approach fuels holistic economic policies for collaboration and positive outcomes.
The paper charts a course of action, guiding us to commit to a housing mission rooted in human rights and sustainability principles. By shaping the housing market for the common good and fostering a capable and entrepreneurial state, we can turn the dream of housing rights into a tangible reality.
Join the mission and read “The Right to Housing: A Mission-Oriented and Human Rights-Based Approach.”
Let’s ignite conversations, inspire change, and work towards a world where housing rights are upheld, and individuals can thrive in communities built on the principles of justice and dignity.
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