Letters of Concern

Nota Urgente - Criminalización de tres defensores de derechos humanos en la Ciudad de la Justicia de Barcelona

Nota Urgente - Criminalización de tres defensores de derechos humanos en la Ciudad de la Justicia de Barcelona

The Shift urge al Gobierno de España y a las autoridades competentes a que reconsideren el proceso penal de los Sres. Palomera, Alpha y Franc. Toda persona tiene derecho a promover y luchar por la protección de los derechos humanos fundamentales, incluido el derecho a la vivienda, sin represalias ni temores a ser reprimidos. Esto es esencial para construir y mantener sociedades fuertes, abiertas y democráticas. 

Time's Up: World Must Hold Israel Accountable + Restore Rights of Palestinians

A comment on the current situation in Sheikh Jarrah by the former UN Special Rapporteur in the Right to Adequate Housing.

south africa housing

Letter to South African Minister of Human Settlements, Water, & Sanitation

Letter of concern from The Shift to the South African Minister of Human Settlements, regarding a failure to provide rent relief to tenants affected by the pandemic 8 months after announcing a rent relief scheme. Consequently, tenants who have fallen into arrears have been subject to threats and/or intimidation.


Image courtesy of BBC.


Urgent Advisory - Greek Government Strips Thousands of Refugees of their Housing

The Shift is deeply concerned by information received regarding the termination of the Filoxenia temporary housing programme in Greece that has left over 2,000 refugees without access to adequate housing. Consequently, hundreds of families are now sleeping outside, and more are likely to be driven out in the coming days.

Image Courtesy of France 24.


Nota Urgente: Se tiene que declarar una moratoria a desalojos en CDMX

La Directora Global de The Shift, Leilani Farha, urge a la Jefa de Gobierno de la Ciudad de Mexico  que implemente una moratoria que incluya todos los desalojos durante la pandemia y durante un tiempo razonable después de la misma.


Letter from Ylva Johansson (Member of the European Commission) regarding the Moria Refugee Camp fire

Letter from Ylva Johansson (Member of the European Commission) regarding the Moria Refugee Camp fire


Letter of Concern: Moria refugee camp and Kara Tepe emergency camp, Lesbos, Greece

Letter of Concern from The Shift regarding conditions in the Moria Reception and Identification Centre, Lesbos, Greece, the fire at the Centre on 8th September 2020, and the conditions at the emergency refugee camp at Kara Tepe, Lesbos.


Declaración Urgente: Desalojo de la toma de Guernica

 El desalojo forzoso de la toma de Guernica en el municipio Presidente Perón, Provincia de Buenos Aires, llevado a cabo con violencia el 29 de octubre del 2020, constituye una grave violación de las obligaciones de Argentina en virtud del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos, en particular del derecho a la vivienda. 


Official Response - Letter of Concern: Melbourne (Richard Wynne MP)

Letter from Hon. Richard Wynne MP, Minister for Housing with the Department for Heath and Human Services, Victoria, Australia, dated 18th October 2020, in response to The Shift’s Letter of Concern regarding the hard lockdown imposed on nine public tower blocks in the city of Melbourne.


Official Response - Letter of Concern: Melbourne (Gabrielle Williams MP)

Response to a Letter of Concern issued in August 2020, from the Office of MP Gabrielle Williams.

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