
India: allegations of impending evictions that are poised to affect millions of peoples

India: allegations of impending evictions that are poised to affect millions of peoples

India: Information received concerning allegations of impending evictions that are poised to affect millions of peoples, mostly from the scheduled tribes and forest-dwelling peoples, in 21 States across India.

June 2019

Belgium: Opération de police le 7 mai 2019 visant la minorité des Gens du voyage

Belgium: Opération de police le 7 mai 2019 visant la minorité des Gens du voyage

Belgium: Informations reçues concernant une une opération de police le 7 mai 2019 visant, entres autres, la minorité des Gens du voyage et qui aurait rendu plusieurs familles démunies et sans-abris.

June 2019

Italy: eviction of the Roma community living in Località Ponte Riccio.

Italy: eviction of the Roma community living in Località Ponte Riccio.

May 2019

Netherlands AL/04/2019

Netherlands AL/04/2019

Information received concerning the persons living in homelessness in the Netherlands. Alleged Victims: 39,300.

COVID-19 Letter to Government of Canada

COVID-19 Letter to Government of Canada

Letter issued to the Government of Canada regarding COVID-19, by Global Director Leilani Farha, then UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing.

USA JOL USA/10/2019

USA JOL USA/10/2019

Concerns over structural changes that have happened in recent years whereby unprecedented amounts of global capital have been invested in housing as security for financial instruments that are traded on global markets. Alleged victims: –

Sweden JOL SWE/1/2019

Sweden JOL SWE/1/2019

Concerns over structural changes that have happened in recent years whereby unprecedented amounts of global capital have been invested in housing as security for financial instruments that are traded on global markets. Alleged victims: –

Ireland JOL IRL/2/2019

Ireland JOL IRL/2/2019

Concerns over structural changes that have happened in recent years whereby unprecedented amounts of global capital have been invested in housing as security for financial instruments that are traded on global markets. Alleged victims: –

Denmark JOL DNK/2/2019

Denmark JOL DNK/2/2019

Concerns over structural changes that have happened in recent years whereby unprecedented amounts of global capital have been invested in housing as security for financial instruments that are traded on global markets. Alleged victims: –

Czech Republic JOL CZE/2/2019

Czech Republic JOL CZE/2/2019

Concerns over structural changes that have happened in recent years whereby unprecedented amounts of global capital have been invested in housing as security for financial instruments that are traded on global markets. Alleged victims: –

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